Representative Paula Brown

As an educator of 31 years and a mother of two, Paula Brown brought unique and much-needed perspectives to her candidacy for State Representative in the former 70th District. 

Throughout her career, she fought for public school funding, defended social services, and worked on campaigns for candidates she believed in. When Paula retired, she knew she couldn’t stand on the sidelines. The government was failing its citizens, they weren’t putting the people of Missouri first, and Paula wanted to be part of the solution.

Inspired by her passionate defense of students and workers alike, MO Political worked with Paula to turn the 70th blue in 2018. Now, redistricting has changed the face of St. Louis County, and Paula is dedicated to supporting constituents old and new in the brand-new 87th District. Paula is eager to continue her work as State Representative, and be Your Voice in Jefferson City.

Why this campaign is #PoweredByMOPolitical: Paula’s values, work ethic and passion for service to her community are unmatched. That’s why we’re proud to work diligently with Paula, and of her resounding victory in the November election. Click the link below to learn more about Paula and to find out how you can get involved!

A headshot of Paula, a white woman with short salt-and-pepper hair. She's smiling and wearing a floral jacket over a white shirt.