Helen Petty

Helen is running for Alderwoman because she knows what it’s like to be homeless, waiting for a spot at the shelter to open up for your mom and siblings.

Helen is running because she knows what it’s like to be a small child when both of your parents are sent to prison, and the lasting effects that can have.

Helen is running because she know what it’s like to be a young single mother working full time, while still not making enough to make ends meet. She knows what it’s like to navigate Medicaid and SNAP benefits with what little time and energy you have left.

Helen is running because she knows what it’s like to open a small business on your own, and to grow that business over the course of years to provide a place of employment for 19 people.

Helen is running to improve the lives of ALL residents - both of the 5th Ward, and our City.

Why this campaign is #PoweredByMOPolitical: Having navigated poverty, adversity, and bureaucracy first hand, Helen knows that it doesn’t have to be this way. Helen believes that change starts locally and that the purpose of government is to make sure that all of our residents are thriving and not just surviving - and we couldn’t agree more.